The PTG-1L Hob Sharpening and Tool Reconditioning Grinder is an affordable solution for hob sharpening and in-house tool maintenance. Equipped with a manual HSK spindle, this machine is ideal for repetitive jobs without changes in setup, particularly during the manufacturing and resharpening of straight and spiral gash hobs, dish, shank and helical gear shaper cutters as well as a wide range of round tools. - See more at:
・5-Axis machine featuring NUM Control
・NUMROTO® Software
・10 HP HSK direct drive grinding spindle
・Linear glass scales for positioning
・Max Hob Capacity: 8" OD x 10" OAL
・Precision workholding solutions
・22" user interface display
・Up to 250 mm diameter Saw Cutters
・Constant rake angle
・Constant rake offset
・Engineered tailstocks and steady rests
・Onboard wheel dressing